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  • About the SWAT

    The SWAT was originally known as the Dark Warriors. The DW were the fourth largest army in all of Club Penguin, but recently got hacked. After many struggles to bring back the Dark Warriors, former leaders Fallen and Blood created the SWAT. Our mission is to carry on the legacy of the Dark Warriors.

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We’re back!

Hola meh peoples it’s Ganger! We’re coming back and having another election for what our new name should be, since SWAT sounds boring. Heres the possibilities:

Red Rebels

Red Federation

Red Troops

Red Vikings


Viking Federation


You may add more.


Well ppl have ben saying that ganger quit so im going to change our name to Dark rebels are new site is http://drdarkrebelsdr.wordpress.com/ and just in case ganger come back i will make you a admin on new site chris~

Helping Nachos Defend Fjord TODAY!

Hey SWAT! I’m your new 2ic, Woton. I’ve been thinking of ways that we can grow lately and, in my experience, a lot of armies can rise really quickly by helping another army in a major war. So we’re going to help the Nachos defend Fjord against ACP. We will probably get a land grant for Mammoth (even though we aren’t fighting on it we’re helping the Nachos to invade it) and will probably get a lot of attention. Here’s the times:

Saturday, September 19th

2:00 p.m. EST

12 p.m. MST


8:00 p.m. UK

10:00 a.m. for you people in Hawaii

8:oo P.M. Australlian time

I want to see as many people there as possible! Don’t forget to be on the SWAT chat throughout the invasion!



EDIT: If we choose to be Pirates our uniform will change, but only the head item, and around the neck and up items will be changed.

Chrisfarley2 EDIT:um i got a anthor good army we can be RT (Red Troops)so if you wanna you can change your vot to RT Chris~

We’re going to have some changes around here! Lots of changes..

What should our new name be?

1. SWAT(The same)

2. CPV(Club Penguin Vikings)

3. RVF(Red Vikings Federation)

4. RVW(Red Viking Warriors)

5. The CAMO Viking Warriors(No abbreviation.)

6. Pirates(The Legend Army/best choice)

7.RT(red troops)
I feel sorry for Chris having to edit the header..which is why he won’t have to!

Wanna know why? Well here’s why

1) We’re keeping our uniform

2) We’ll keep the SWAT thing since it idk, but we will.

3) The chat background is still good too.

So guys vote for the new name!



RVW(Red Viking Warriors)

Thank you, sir.

Yes, you need to say “Thank you, sir.” It’s because I want manners. Uh-huh..

***Vote with a comment on this post***


Photos form Invation

war pics swat

We got the server they didnt show!  So its a win for us!  Also new Uniforms!

swat uniform


swat non uniform

non member uniform

Peace out form chris.

O yah P.s im going to merge one of my armys into us so we got 65 mor men. 


Invading CPG(Club Penguin Garglers)

Ok guys, we’re invading CPG(Club Penguin Garglers). I’m sorry UMA but these noobs have Ice Palace on there list. We can totally beat these guys!

WHEN: Saturday

WHERE: Glacier, All Over(Be on chat for instructions)

WHY: Invading some noobs to get us back on track.

TIMES: 4:00 PST, 8:00 EST

I hope everyone can make it! We can beat these noobs!

SWAT Power


Restarting SWAT

EDIT: If you were a SWAT Leader, feel free to come back. btw, I’m on Sriv’s account. Bye!

Hola I wanna restart SWAT. I’m Ganger. Some guy put me on this site and I said heck, why not try? So this won’t be a rebellion, I just wanna see how it will go.

Comment on this post if you wanna join!


Changing to Reds

Elites0f wants to start Reds again, an old army in the color wars led by a guy named korn (Elitesof). So SWAT are going to help Elitesof and merge into the Reds.

Site: theredcoalition.wordpress.com

Chat: xat.com/clubpenguinreds

Also message to UMA,

Sorry UMA but most SWAT didn’t come to the Invasion because we were busing merging.

Thank you,




-Invasion Information-

Date: Saturday, August 29

Location: Mittens (everywhere)


4:00 Eastern

3:00 Central

2:00 Mountain

1:00 Pacific (PST)


10 Medals Reward

Changing Our Appearance – For Good

Hey guys. After my last rant, I realized something. Everyone is associating SWAT with DW and Golds. Even though they were bioth freat armies, here’s the problem:

We have too much cursing, racism, etc. etc. This must stop. I know that our high ranks are prone to doing it, but we have to sgake ourselves from the habit. Here’s how we do it.

  1. The posts – have to be clean. I edited Dream’s post to be more appropriate, because of two things. There was too much cursing, and it was going a little too far. Dream, there was no need to say the things you did, although I knew how I felt. All this will get us is a bad reputation. I apologize as Leader of SWAT to any armies that got offended.
  2. We have to act appropriately when talking to other leaders. For example, when Zz or Puck come on chat, we don’t ban them. We don’t kick them. We don’t guest them. This is just being a plain disrespectful moron, because it gets us no where. If you want to say something mean, say it somewhere else. Make sure you do not imapact SWAT’s reputation.

As our record is already dirty (even though we’ve been alive for less than a week 😐 ), I would like to say a couple of things. First of all, We apologize to Nachos for offending you. Although I don’t know why you got offended, I’m still apologizing. Also, the war has been called off. Thanks Zzz 😉 . Also, I’ll be editing any posts that have more than one curse, and are really offensive. Please, site staff, be careful of what you say.

I also ask all the armies out there to give us another chance (if UMA want’s to laugh at this post, let them). We just want to have some fun – without offending anybody.


– Fire’s Thrill –